National Institute of Hydrology, Roorkee, India
Influence of fractured zone on seepage from a water body – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology. The present study is in continuance with the ...
Influence of fractured zone on seepage from a water body – A research report by National Institute of Hydrology. The present study is in continuance with the ...
Bihar (/ b ᵻ ˈ h ɑːr /; Hindustani pronunciation: [bɪˈɦaːr]) is an Indian state considered to be a part of Eastern as well as Northern India.
Do you want to start a money making agriculture/farming? If YES, here are 50 new innovative profitable agricultural small business ideas you can start in 2017
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3 Mills, powerlooms and handlooms constitute three independent sectors of the Indian Textiles Industry. The mill sector is organised, mechanised and modernised
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Goa Govt. reduces rate of VAT on diesel from 22% to 19%; Amends Schedule ''C'' to Goa VAT Act ... Kerala Authority for Clarification states that ''Red Bull Energy ...
2 INTRODUCTION Spices play an important role in enhancing the flavour and taste of the processed foods. They are also used in medicine because of their carminative
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Some of the most important industries of Jammu and Kashmir are: 1. Silk Textile 2. CarpetMaking and Woolen Textile 3. Forestbased Industries 4. Agrobased Industries 5.
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In recent decades science has rediscovered what ''primitive'' peoples intuitvely understood: namely, that all living organisms profoundly interacts with one another and ...
This group of industries depends on the raw material produced by the agricultural sector. The products comprise mostly consumer goods. Agro based industry is ...
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Economy of South India after independence in 1947 conformed to a socialist framework, with strict governmental control over private sector participation, foreign ...
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CGE seeks corn import permit for feedmillers [11 August 2017] Ceylon Grain Elevators Plc (CGE), Sri Lanka''s leading poultry integrator, has asked to import corn ...
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List Of 50+ Best AgroBased Business Ideas – Low Cost #1. Agri Clinic. The primary objective of an Agriclinic business is to provide paid services for the ...
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